I find this arabic stuff so entertaining (in a cool way and mashallah for the message I should say - sorry I was a bit tired last night)
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As Asalam Aleykum
I find this arabic stuff so entertaining (in a cool way and mashallah for the message I should say - sorry I was a bit tired last night)
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Assalamu Alikom Sister
this arabic stuff is so entertaining; what do you mean?
wa aleykum asalam, Brother Khaled - it's so very different from anything else I know, I could watch it for hours, if I could just understand it without subtitles! Maybe it just seems exotic to me, it's fascinating.
But it was actually the message i was posting this for - i was searching for something on fajr on google and this came out
oh.. wasn't meant disrespectful at all. I really find it fascinating
Assalamu Alikom Sister, I guess you said it yourself, you need to learn Arabic. I recommend you to start planning. I'm not angry at all, but I just needed to understand what you meant. This video trailer is of my teachers, and very respected scholars, I know them all and I have been following them for more than 10 years now. Here is a great site for you to start
I hope you find it helpful.
jazhak allah i was already considering a course from there, unfortunately i had other priorities so far. I understand that the seeking of knowledge (ilm?) is one of the top priorities in islam for men and women.
Atikah teaches me to read the arabic letters for quran recitation some evenings per week (she is so patient, every other teacher would start using a cane by now, lol).
I wasted years and years of stuffing knowledge into my brain that i just not need, eg I know 4 different languages that I never use and forgot with the time. I am very careful about wasting my time like that again. Islam is a bottomless pool of knowledge, that is always worth pursuing, and if I was a man, I'd be off sitting with some scholars right now...
... Brother Khaled, who are those scholars? I like the one with the white beard.
I posted this for a friend who finds it difficult to pray fajr. Ok, I skip fajr sometimes too, but in general fajr and isha are the easiest prayers to pray there is no work, nothing that can be a reason to postpone or skip salah? I don't understand then why so many people find it difficult to pray those? I understand being tired or lazy, but still...
Also if the head of a household skips fajr, he would be responsible for the attitude and skipped fajr prayers for the rest of the family? Just a thought and my concern that I have for him.
Wa Alikom Essalam Sister,
He is Sheikh Muhammed Hussein Yaqub.
Here is one very old advice from him
I'm very happy to read your latest comment, If you have the intention to gain knowledge for the sake of Allah SWT, Allah will make it happen. May Allah make the good deeds easy for you.
I once saw this question on a forum:
"I am born Muslim, and from a country where Muslims a terribly influenced by non-muslim ways of life. To the extent that boys openly demand dowry for girls side. And growing up in this atmosphere (though I can still count my family among the least polluted ones) I never realized the importance of being absolutely steadfast in prayers. I realized it only after i had my own boy( now two years old) but i still cant get regular and that is my problem. Despite trying really hard and after spells of regular prayers i miss a prayer or two for some silly reason and then go on missing them endlessly."
I replied as follows:
"May Allah bless you for your concern. Even if you miss a pray, at least you feel bad about it, which many people don't. So here are a few points. Realise that the prayer comes first and foremost before anything else, and that ANY other action - be it family, work, play, entertainment, whatever - is secondary
ALWAYS work our beforehand exactly when you are going to find the time to pray. Plan your whole day in advance with this in mind. Read the ayats in the Quran and the hadith about the importance of prayer, and inculcate them in your mind. Both the ones which talk about the rewards, and the ones that talk about the punishments of those who miss their prayers. But a word of caution, stick to those hadith which are known to be authentic. There's an email going around with a lot of unauthentic hadith about the punishments of missing prayer, dont even look at those kind of things"
May Allah guide us all to be steadfast in salah all the time, Ameen.
that's an awesome video, and yay! with German subtitles! Interesting... the believers and the unbelievers differ in regards to the prayer. One can be a "born" muslim but not a servant of Allah swt because he's not praying and therefore would be classified as "kafir"? I was reading about the Death of Umar bin al Kattab yesterday who was killed by a pagan slave, and when they wanted all the other slaves he said "you can't kill those who pray towards the qibla" or something like that. that's worth reflecting
also Umar was more concerned that the believers finished their prayer than about anything else when he was dying...
A Video that made me cry
alhamdulillah, I hope Karl makes it to Mecca inshaallah
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