
I can't take decisions, they make me crazy. Today for example, I had not time to bring my own lunch for work, so had to buy one. The only thing that was halal was indonesian instant noodle that I can't eat as I am allergic to MSG. So I had three choices: bacon & cheese scone, nothing, or anaphylactic shock.
hell, hunger, untimely death. What a choice!!!!!

What would you have gone for? In the end, I decided that I was too hungy, I risked the anaphylactic shock. But alhamdullillah, I took my cortisone spray so it wasn't that bad in the end!


Regular Baba said...


Well the very existence of this blog testifies to the fact that you've successfully made the most important decision in your life, Mashallah!

Yusuf Alamo said...


Assalaamu Alaykum, Ohktee. I've always found that hunger tastes way better than hell-fire or hospital food.

Walhamdulillah, Ahkee Yusuf

Sabirah said...

jazhak allah ahkee, true i agree, but i have to be careful cos i have suffered from anorexia, so at the mo, rather fat and asthmatic than having that kinda hell again

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