at some stage...

i'll have to tell my family and work, because...:

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)said: "The worst people in the
Sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the double faced
people who appear to some people with one face and to other people
with another face."
Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 008, Book 073, Hadith Number 084 Narrated by
Abu Huraira.

I pray that Allah subhaana wa ta'aala will give me strength


Sabirah said...

Jazhakallah baba Hamayoun for explaining this hadith to me... guess I don't have to rush things too much :)

Regular Baba said...


That is not what that hadith means. There were some people at the time of the Prophet(SAW) who kept their Islam hidden for either a time (like the sister of Umar(RA)), or until they died (like Negus). This hadith applies to those people who try to be a good muslim to impress some kinds of people, but then they become their bad selves with other kinds of people. So you meet an Imam, and are very kind and respectable to him, and then you chill with your friends, and every other word is a curse word.

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